Entrada – THE cigar from Omaha.
In 2013 another cigar retailer launched his own blend of cigars, this time from Omaha Nebraska. The cigars are made in Nicaragua by Casa Fernandez and the cigar is called Entrada (entrance) and the company is called Casa de Entrada. As a retailer, Casa de Entrada makes the cigars for brick and mortar operations only and launched the cigar at the 2014 IPCPR where they gave me a 6 X 60 gordo to...
A Gold Robusto From Victor Calvo.
I first came across Victor Calvo cigars at the 2014 IPCPR where Victor gave me a 5 X 50 Gold robusto to review. The Gold series uses an Ecuadorian Sun Grown Sumatra Seed wrapper around a United States Connecticut binder and the filler is a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican ligero, seco and viso. The cigars are made by Tabacalera Tambor de Esteli in Nicaragua. The Gold robusto was an average...
A Cigar with an Impressive Vintage- Pressoir by Chinnock
It’s not often that you get to write nice things about nice people. But this cigar is made by a nice guy. Brian Chinnock, a wine maker from Napa Valley, knows about the land and cultivating products. So, it is only natural that after conquering wine Brian should turn to another passion, cigars. His terroir, previously reviewed, is a very nice smoke indeed. So, it is with pleasure...
A Threesome on a Blue Mountain?
Blue Mountian Cigars, Marvin Wright’s Nicaraguan cigar company, sells a stick that looks like 3 different cigars cut into thirds with the cap part of the maduro cigar attached to the middle of a Habano cigar and the foot is from a Connecticut wrapped cigar. Hence the name El Threesome – for 3 wrappers around 3 blends, all separate but in the same cigar. Unusual approach and unusual...
Accept the Challenge! A New Royal Maduro from Gurkha.
Gurkha has had a lot of success with its Royal Challenge blend and in 2014 Gurkha extended the brand by introducing a Maduro version. The Maduro wraps a broadleaf maduro around the Habano/Honduran binder and Nicaraguan/Dominican filler of the original Royal Challenge cigar, giving it a new taste. The size profile ranges from a 5 X 50 robusto to a 7 X 52 Churchill. Gurkha provided me with a...
Kuuts Fires Up the Zapata
Kuuts has their cigar factory in the Danli region of the Honduras where they make their Kuuts Nicaraguan, Placeres, Miro and Zapata Cigars. Although Kuuts has been selling in Europe for a long time, they entered the US market in 2013. I previously reviewed the Miro (not my favorite) and the Placeres Reserva (a good cigar at a good price). At the 2014 IPCPR Kuuts also gave me a Tabacalera Zapata...