A “Truthful” Cigar
A relatively new cigar company, called Veritas Cigars, is in the market. For those like me not holding a college degree in Classical literature, Veritas was the Roman goddess of truth. It is not clear how this goddess relates to the company or its cigars, but the band for the Torch series by Veritas does have a hand holding up a cigar apparently in protest – often a symbol for supporting a truth that authorities oppose. Another point is the rest of the band – I was told that it is the skyline of Pittsburgh. Who knows? Lastly the website has an unusual opening but is a little short on most everything else.
At the 2013 IPCPR I was given a Torch Connecticut 7 X 54 to review. This is a large cigar with a fair appearance and a pigtail cap. The wrapper is Ecuadorian Connecticut, the filler is Jalapa Nicaraguan and the binder is Indonesian. The cigar was firm throughout but not overly so with a pre-smoke aroma of licorice and coffee. The draw was open and the first few draws had a strong woodsy taste along with spice but this mellowed as the stick was smoked. Smoke volume was acceptable, as was the ash. The last half had a flavor of nuts and spice with a moderate aftertaste. This was a mild to medium bodied cigar.
It took an hour and 20 minutes to smoke this cigar. I am partial to the larger ring sizes and this one fit the bill. But with an SRP in the $7-8 range, I give this cigar an overall rating of 3.5 out of 5.
Cigar Info
- Cigar Name: Torch Connecticut
- Brand: Veritas Cigars
- Size: 7 X 54
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
- Binder: Indonesian
- Filler: Jalapa Nicaraguan
- Smoking Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
- Source: Manufacturer/Distributor
- Price: $7-8