Montecristo Shouts “on guard” With Its New Puro Espada Series
Montecristo continues to launch innovative high quality cigars year after year. One of this year’s launches is the Espada (sword) series that is a Nicaraguan puro made in cooperation with Plasencia. For this series, Montecristo takes a page from the wine industry playbook by identifying the “vintage” and the growing region of the tobaccos used. So the Espada series has an Habano Jalapa...
A Kingly Sized Broadleaf
Since its opening at the 2013 IPCPR Kings has been developing its offering of cigars. It now has 5 different series, each named for position of royalty to reflect their goal of providing a “taste of royalty” in each blend. I met with Pete Tyndale, King’s master blender, at the 2014 IPCPR where he discussed the how the different series offer tastes from mild to full bodied cigars. Quite a...
The Baron of Kings Cigars
Kings Cigars began in 2010 but appears to have released their first cigars to much success at the 2013 IPCPR. They returned to IPCPR in 2014 to release additional blends and sizes. Kings has a factory in Estelí, Nicaragua and Santiago, Dominican Republic. The theme behind the Company’s name is to provide a “taste of royalty” in the blends it creates. I met with Pete Tyndale, King’s...
Amazon Basin Cigar, Paddled To You by CAO
We smoke cigars because we like the taste, the experience, the comradery and the calming effect of a good smoke. Manufacturers work hard on the blend to perfect this experience but they also use the “story” behind the cigar to capture our attention, to help us decide to buy it. Enter the Amazon Basin. This cigar is unique in appearance and story. First, the appearance. Note the highly...
A “Square” Habano by Kings Cigars
Kings Cigars is a recent entrant for boutique cigar making and they name each of their blend series after a title of royalty. This reflects their goal of providing a “taste of royalty” in each blend. Kings has a factory in Estelí, Nicaragua and Santiago, Dominican Republic where they perfect their cigars. I met with Pete Tyndale, King’s master blender, at the 2014 IPCPR where he discussed...
Crossfire’s Platinum Magnum Still Has Force
Crossfire Cigars is a boutique cigar importer headquartered in Louisville, KY designed to produce flavorful cigars while also directing Crossfire’s economic benefits to the Dominican Republic economy and other third world countries. Note the Cross in the Platinum’s band logo. Crossfire uses the well-known William Ventura cigar company for the Dominican Republic activities and not just the...