Entrada – THE cigar from Omaha.
In 2013 another cigar retailer launched his own blend of cigars, this time from Omaha Nebraska. The cigars are made in Nicaragua by Casa Fernandez and the cigar is called Entrada (entrance) and the company is called Casa de Entrada. As a retailer, Casa de Entrada makes the cigars for brick and mortar operations only and launched the cigar at the 2014 IPCPR where they gave me a 6 X 60 gordo to review.
The Entrada is box pressed and wraps San Andres Maduro around Nicaraguan criollo binder and Nicaraguan viso and ligero fillers. The cigar was finished well, particularly the cap. The initial flavor was pepper and autumn leaves. The San Andres wrapper provided a nice sweet taste. The smoke was creamy and the prevalent flavor was cocoa with woody undertones. The ash was average and the smoke volume adequate and creamy. Unfortunately an uneven burn required a few touchups and the draw was good.
The cigar lasted a flavorful 2 hours and I enjoyed the flavors of this medium bodied cigar. The SRP is $8-$10 depending upon the size. I was impressed with their first blend and consider it a decent value at the $8 level. Unfortunately, I don’t think this cigar has spread much outside of Omaha so if you are there purchasing steaks or advising Warren Buffet, try one. I rate it a 3.5 out of 5.
Cigar Info
- Cigar Name: Entrada
- Brand: Casa de Entrada
- Size: 6 X 60
- Wrapper: San Andreas Maduro
- Binder: Nicaraguan Criollo
- Filler: Nicaraguan viso and ligero
- Smoking Time: 2 hours
- Source: Manufacturer/Distributor
- Price: $8-$10