Caught in the Crossfire – Platinum
Crossfire Cigars is a cigar importer headquartered in Louisville, KY that selects its own blends of filler, binder and wrapper and has the cigars made in the Dominican Republic. Scott Meneffe, the CEO, formed this boutique cigar company several years ago as a means of producing flavorful cigars while also stimulating the Dominican Republic economy and relieving poverty. Not just the cigars but...
The Monte by Montecristo
Monte by Montecristo At the 2013 IPCPR Altadis had a large and varied presence as it represents a number of well-known brands such as H Upman, Romeo y Julieta, Saint Luis Rey and Montecristo. However, Altadis is just a division of Imperial Tobacco, a $9.3 billion tobacco colossus based in the UK. Imperial is also the exclusive seller of luxury Cuban cigars worldwide (per their 2012 Annual...
Sentinel’s Honor Offering
Most cigar businesses are started by a combination of profit motives, industry knowledge/exposure or just plain love of the product. Sentinel Cigars is slightly different in that its primary motive is to provide funds for a worthy cause – the Sentinels of Freedom Scholarship Foundation. This foundation provides housing, tuition assistance and mentorship to severely wounded retired U.S....
Azan by Roberto Duran
Most people recognize the name. But, usually not for producing cigars. Different Roberto, different product. However, Roberto Pelayo Duran has experience making cigars like his more famous namesake has in the ring. Azan is a little known old time Cuban brand of cigars that has been in Robertos family for many years and now it is made Nicaragua. The result is a typical hand rolled cigar....
H. Upmann Goes Samatran
H. Upmann, owned by Altadis USA, is a brand with a long history, one that pre-dates our Civil War. The brand’s “history” relates that in 1844, 2 Upmann brothers used their newly founded cigar operation to promote their banking business in Cuba. Cigar smoking was quite fashionable back then. This lasted until 1922 when both businesses failed and the cigar business eventually landed in the...